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Minecraft: PsalmsFight3r
Discord: nilloc1
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In-Game Name(IGN): PsalmsFight3r
Age: 23
What is your discord username: Nilloc1
TimeZone: CST
Is this your first time applying? If not please list the date which you previously applied on: First time
Are you fluent in any other languages besides English? If so please list them here: English and some Spanish
How would you define your confidence when talking to people you don't know: High confidence, I work in IT for a large escape room company. I am often on calls many hours of the day with coworkers, clients and guests. 
How much time can you dedicate to the server each day? (Please be reasonable): 3-4 hours most days, more on weekends
Are you currently staff on another server: I own and run a modded minecraft network that focuses on expert style modpacks
Do you have any past experience? If so please list the servers and the rank you achieved: I have been playing minecraft for about 10 years now and have ran a lot of servers. Most of them shutting down after a year or less due to lack of interest. Over covid I bought a server tower and started up a modded mc network. We have been going for a little over 3 years now and have hosted about 8 different mod packs. Usually no more than 2-3 at a time since the tower specs weren't anything too crazy. I have lots of experience with networking from doing IT professionally for a few years now.  I'm fluent in windows, mac and linux operating systems, my server tower runs ubuntu with multicraft hosted. I know a lot about plugins and servers such as spigot, paper, mohist, cauldron, sponge and a few more as well as some proxies such as bungee, waterfall and velocity.  I also know a lot about discord, for my network I have setup several bots using node.js on my tower. Some for relaying chat to discord and others for different automations and notifications. I am well versed with multicraft, apache, port forwarding, DNS management, FTP, ssh, mysql, tebex, adobe photoshop and premiere and other random utilities that may be needed for getting a server off the ground.
Why are you applying for MineLucky: Back before I got super into modded, OP prison servers were my favorite thing to play. I've always like the tycoon style of game play and prison servers are kinda like that. I've recently gotten a bit less busy with work and so I've wanted to enjoy playing prison again.
Why should we pick you over other applicants: I have a lot of experience with a lot of the behind the scenes things that goes on for servers and I also don't put up with people causing problems. We're here to have fun in our off time and I hate seeing people ruin that.
Is there any current MineLucky staff that can vouch for you as a staff member? If so please put their IGN here: I haven't had much interaction with the staff members so far other than the few giveaways I have won from Vapey.


If you'd like to know anything else or dive into any of the technical stuff, I'd be more than happy to chat. Discord is the best way to reach out, thank you for your time!