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LoveeTengen Moderator Helper PRO
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Minecraft: LoveeTengen
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In-Game Name (IGN):

Hello, my IGN is "LoveeTengen"

I am 21 years old, I'll be 22 later this October.
What is your discord username:

My discord when/if needed is "totesnottengen"

My timezone is PST (Pacific Standard Time). If needed for more info, I live in California.
Is this your first time applying? If not please list the date which you previously applied on:

Yes, this will be my first time applying for a staff position on this server specifically.
Are you fluent in any other languages besides English? If so please list them here:

I am only currently fluent in English unfortunately.
How would you define your confidence when talking to people you don't know:

More of, I would say that it's not much of an issue in my experience because I have been playing video games since the age of 5. I also love helping and talking to others as much as I can as long as my social battery is still running. So it wouldn't be much of an issue. I also have time in Customer Service/Marketing as a past job experience, so defining my confidence in this skill won't be much of a problem on hand.
How much time can you dedicate to the server each day? (Please be reasonable):

Dedication of time to the server would at least be a few several hours (4-7) per depending on what's going on during the week. If it tends to be less, most likely I'll let anyone who is higher ranked than me know what's going on that day. Just so that they are aware why I'm not as active or not active at all those concurring times.
Are you currently staff on another server:

No, I am not currently staff on any other server at this moment.
Do you have any past experience? If so please list the servers and the rank you achieved:

From what I can recall:

Admin/Moderator on ShockPE Prisons (former Bedrock Server 4+ years ago)

Builder for many other servers but I honestly cannot remember them as well because it was small little gigs. That's all that I can remember at this moment as of now, I mainly was a past Content Creator/Youtuber for most of my Minecraft journey.
Why are you applying for MineLucky:

Reason for typing this application/forum for a staff position is that I love the chill vibes from what the server shows. It's been a while since I've really been hooked on a server, especially Prisons in a long time. Something about this gives both a competitive grind feel and a smooth community from all ends just by how everything is setup. There is so much to ideal creativity that I would love to help out with and being able to talk to many amazing staff that I've seen/experienced so far. Just willing to see what'll be like to work with them, also on a Java Prison server which I've never been a team member on. I think MineLucky has a lot of potential, something many servers don't get recognition for and one thing that is different between all prison servers and this one. Definitely is the community and the way the community has that hardcore grind aspect to it, all servers have been the same for me. This is the one that stuck out the most and I wanna be able to be part of that, in a way that makes this server even more friendly! More fun! More awesome! More of a time for myself and everyone else on the staff team to enjoy!



I also love that the Owners themselves play the server and care about the community, not many servers have owners like that which shows character as much as it shows in MineLucky.
Why should we pick you over other applicants:

I honestly don't know for sure really why you should pick me over any other applicant, all I know is I'm applying. I think I have maybe a 50/50 chance as much as the last and next person who applies. It's worth a shot and I definitely wanna be able to be part of an amazing experience here that I know for sure will be a fun time. I haven't been staff for a server in a long time but, I know I wanna excel at it and make you guys proud. Won't say anything more!
Is there any current MineLucky staff that can vouch for you as a staff member? If so please put their IGN here:

Not that I know of , thank you though.