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Staff app for MineLucky
SlowReflex PRO
1 posts
1 topics
9 days ago

In-Game Name(IGN): SlowReflex
Age: 17
What is your discord username: aspize
TimeZone: CET
Is this your first time applying? If not please list the date which you previously applied on: First time applying!
Are you fluent in any other languages besides English? If so please list them here: I speak english and my  mother tongue language
How would you define your confidence when talking to people you don't know: I'm good with people and i'm confident when i talk to new people and make new friends
How much time can you dedicate to the server each day? (Please be reasonable): 5h
Are you currently staff on another server: no
Do you have any past experience? If so please list the servers and the rank you achieved: I was admin on my friends server that shutted down in late 2021
Why are you applying for MineLucky: To help the server and make it enjoyable for everyone
Why should we pick you over other applicants: Because I've been playing server for while got alot of experince and just want to help the server in general
Is there any current MineLucky staff that can vouch for you as a staff member? If so please put their IGN here: no!