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Nula staff app
God_Nula Elite
1 posts
1 topics
about 1 month ago

In-Game Name(IGN): God_Nula
Age: 20
What is your discord username: .nula.
TimeZone: EST
Is this your first time applying? If not please list the date which you previously applied on: Yes
Are you fluent in any other languages besides English? If so please list them here: No (Just fluent in English)
How would you define your confidence when talking to people you don't know: When talking with people I'd say I'm pretty confident. I try to pick up the attitude/vibe of the person I'm talking to so I don't overwhelm them.
How much time can you dedicate to the server each day? (Please be reasonable): I'm in college at the moment and my schedule changes monthly, but I'd say reasonably I can dedicate 4-6 hours a day to the server. (If this changes I would notify a higher up)
Are you currently staff on another server: No
Do you have any past experience? If so please list the servers and the rank you achieved: (I'm admin for a server called MushroomCraft, but our owner gave up and there hasn't been any announcements to the project is over a year)
Why are you applying for MineLucky: I'm applying for MineLucky because I personally love the project and see longevity in it. I've been a supporter since the 2nd or 3rd map (can't remember) and I've liked the continued updates and progress the server has achieved thus far. I try to talk to Vapey when I can because I love the dev side of servers too and I'd love to be a dev one day for the server!
Why should we pick you over other applicants: I believe I have longevity when it comes to other applicants. Most people staff for a little time because they think it's a fun/silly job they can take for a little time... but quit or end up abusing their powers because their just a player with perms at the end of the day. I know what it takes to be staff within realm and I believe in long-term I may be a good candidate for the Dev team because of my degree in Game Development (Computer Science).
Is there any current MineLucky staff that can vouch for you as a staff member? If so please put their IGN here: Not that I could think of, just a dedicated player and dev in training!