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Accepted Staff Application
BuddyBo Helper VIP
1 posts
1 topics
about 1 month ago

In-Game Name(IGN): BuddyBo
Age: 26
What is your discord username: buddyboyawesome
TimeZone: PST 
Is this your first time applying? If not please list the date which you previously applied on: 

Yes this is my first time applying.

Are you fluent in any other languages besides English? If so please list them here: N/A
How would you define your confidence when talking to people you don't know: Strong I would say. Very kind to people willing to get to know them I'm always willing to help in any way I can.
How much time can you dedicate to the server each day? (Please be reasonable): I only spend I would say 6 hours or less a day because I'm currently in college and I am a dad to 2 kids so they need my attention as well.
Are you currently staff on another server: No
Do you have any past experience? If so please list the servers and the rank you achieved:
Why are you applying for MineLucky: I am applying because this is a good community to be apart of everyone was always helping me when I was new and I wanna give back to those who are also new and need help.
Why should we pick you over other applicants: Not saying you should but when it comes to being loyal, kind, and respectful I am that guy.
Is there any current MineLucky staff that can vouch for you as a staff member? If so please put their IGN here:


Last edited: about 1 month ago
ItsFrosted Manager VIP HighRoller
65 posts
5 topics
about 1 month ago

Hello BuddyBo, 

Congratulations I have set your application to pending. Please check your discord direct messages (DMS) for further instructions.
