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Denied TrippyAce_ | Helper Application
Topic Locked
TrippyAce_ Overlord
3 posts
1 topics
12 months ago

In-Game Name:

25 (06/19/1998)

Discord Username:

Central Daylight Time (GMT-5)

First Time Applying:
Yes this is my first time applying.

Language Fluency:
I am fluent in English.

Public Speaking/Confidence:
I consider myself very confident when speaking with others I may not know. I feel it is a requirement or skill that is definitely needed when working with a team as proper communication with efficiency is a must-have. This also follows suit without a team as well. But if we were to rate my confidence it would be around (8/10). I have had a lot of personal experience over the years working on multiple team projects on games and real-life situations.

Server Time Dedication:
Well currently I have a baby girl on the way YAY! However, I work Monday - Thursday, and most of the time I am on Between Thursday after work through Sunday. I can be on during the week it just depends on what I have going on that morning, evening, or night. However, I can dedicate around 10-20 Hours a week to the server and if my schedule opens up more I will try to push out more hours toward the server!

Staff Position On Other Servers:
I currently hold the position of Helper on another server which I will not disclose here as that would be advertising and if you wish to know I have no issue telling the one doing the interview or whoever needs to know. I was a Head-Mod for that server before but Had to take a personal LOA for a while due to a death in the family. I left on good terms and you're welcome to discuss that with them. I felt it was better for the community of that server if they had an active Head-Mod around that time so I stepped down as well. I just recently took on the role of Helper on the server again.

Past Experience:
I have around 9-10 years of staffing experience with Minecraft. I have been almost every rank if not every rank you could think of. I have been (Helper, Trial-Mod, Moderator, Sr. Moderator, Head-Moderator, Administrator, Sr. Administrator, Head-Administrator, Staff-Manager, Event Manager, Community Manager, Financial Manager, Server-Manager, Developer,  Co-Owner, Owner, and Founder). I have ran my own server and recently stopped running my own server as well just to administrate on other servers because I have more of a passion for doing that than developing my own. I would consider myself well knowledgeable within the Minecraft world and communities.

Why apply for MineLucky:
I feel as I learn more over time about your server then I can share all of my knowledge with others to help increase their aptitude within the prison community which in turn will allow them to work more efficiently towards their goals on the server. I would also have the ability to ensure people follow the rules/regulations that are required of the members. MineLucky seems like a very calm and relaxed server that doesn't need much moderation so that in turn allows me to focus on the ones that actually need the help and guidance. I want to be a strong example of what staff should be and how one should act within the community.

Why pick me over other applicants:
Well honestly I'm not one to beat around the bush and say why pick me over someone else. I will admit someone else may have more skill than me even with all the experience I have. I feel everyone deserves a chance to show what they can do which goes for everyone else. I will say one thing and that is that I am very mature for my age with would be a great addition to this team. I do not feel I am above anyone as I like to help everyone no matter who you are. I feel once everyone gets to know me they will feel they can come to me about anything or any issues. I also am an excellent listener which is always a plus.

Staff Vouch:
There are no current staff members that can vouch for me but maybe one day everyone on the staff team will see how awesome I can be. I hope to get to know everyone a lot better over time as well and make great friends!

Yes, I did edit the questions a little bit but they are the same questions but worded differently to shorten them down or make them sound a bit better. ❤

Last edited: 9 months ago x 1
ItsFrosted Manager VIP HighRoller
65 posts
5 topics
9 months ago

Hello TrippyAce_,


Unfortunately your application has been denied. You may re-apply in 2 weeks. 
